Saturday 24 April 2010

Maldon Oysters

Was first established in 1960 and was originally run as a cooperative between several local fishermen, under the leadership of Clarrie Devall.
During the hard winter of 1963, most oyster beds in Essex were devastated by ice and the company became dormant for a few years, until Mr Devall started growing new stocks of Pacific oysters in Goldhanger Creek.

The Maldon Oyster and Seafood Company now has 3500 acres of the River Blackwater under their management and has re-established a native oyster fishery as well as being one of the largest producers of Pacific oysters in the UK.
Maldon Oysters have become a sure bet for all lovers of seafood. A desire for freshness, come visit us and we will gladly let you taste our local seafood.

For further information come on our website:  Maldon Oyster Web site

Products: Oysters
Location: Cock Clarks-ESSEX-Where is it?

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